Welcome at Caren.

Caren is a digital health environment and gives you insight and control over your own health, or that of your relatives. Caren also helps you organize care and makes it possible to share information and plan tasks around your care situation. You decide with whom you want to share your data and whether you want to link Caren with professional care organisation.

Create a new account in minutes or log in with your existing account.

Do you need some assistance?

Do you have a question or do you find anything unclear? Check our detailed manual for instructions. You can probably find the answer to your problem there.

Still having problems after consulting the manual? You can always consult our helpdesk and we will assist you as soon as possible.

Always connected

Build your personal care network - less hassle, better cooperation

Safe and secure

You choose if you want to share your healthcare data and with whom. This way you can secure your privacy in a safe digital environment.

Create appointments and set up tasks

Use the calendar to organize care, plan activities and divide tasks. Gain insight into all your appointments within your personal healthcare network.

Clear communication

Keep each other posted on recent events. Coordinate care with care professionals and get control over your health.

Connected with your care organization

Retrieve insight into your healthcare data, get better coordination and control over your own healthcare.


With Caren I'm easily updated about my mother's situation. I really liked to way Caren has kept me informed about her well-being and to see how she did on a day-to-day basis. I did not have to bother calling or disturbing my mother's care professionals because I could see everything in Caren!

- Anonymous Family member

Caren offers a great tool to communicate with family and caregivers in order to achieve the best medical care possible.

- Anonymous Care professional

I use Caren together with my family to organize care for my grandmother. Not all family members live close by, so when they can view and monitor my grandmother's care in Caren, everyone stays involved. It's great to see how my grandmother's evening was like when the care professional dropped by to help.

- Anonymous Caregiver



Active users


Connected organizations

Start with Caren

Start building your own care network by creating a free Caren account. We'll help you in doing so with our easy-to-use registration wizard.

Start using Caren